The New Yorker Incident

Muhammad Rahmans Kwik Meal #1 in Manhattan

Muhammad Rahman's Kwik Meal #1 in Manhattan

For anyone who missed it, which is most of you, an interesting anecdote appeared in the New Yorker’s Book Bench blog recently. It is a modest tale about a struggling young poet in Manhattan and an ambitious midtown falafel chef. Some of you who read this site regularly (we know you’re out there somewhere) might recognize a warped name or two in all of this.

Shouts go out to Macy Halford, our favorite moonlighting blogger!

Of pleasures gastronomical I sing
Incomparable treasures; everything
Cooked to perfection by the expert hands
Striving to meet
read more!

6 Responses to “The New Yorker Incident”

  1. 1 MARTHA September 12, 2008 at 8:17 am

    poetry pita!!! cool!

  2. 2 Flip September 12, 2008 at 1:12 pm

    I liked the tiger shrimp w/ rice myself sez Flip

  3. 3 Monica October 20, 2008 at 2:15 pm

    I am proud to call Thane DiMatims my brother… and he is a heck of a poet too!

  4. 4 Arthur skinner November 3, 2008 at 3:46 pm

    I can’t find the proper place to make this comment so my apologies. Regarding the article entitled “bilingualism” by Marc Allen di Martino, twice he gives the wrong pronuciation for bruschetta.

    Maybe it’s pronounced differently in Rome but here in Umbria it’s pronounced “bru-sket-ta. SCH in Italian is pronouced as “sk” as it is in English. At least the way my dictionary reads. We have been living in Umbria for 5 yrs. and I have never heard bruschetta pronounced “bru-shet-ta in fact it’s one of my pet pieves when we dine out in America.
    When i clicked on marc’s blog it goes to Bob Bradshaw.

    if Marc’s point was to demonstrate the wrong pronuciation he should have also given the correct pronunciation. I can see why a wiater would smirk at bru-shet-ta. Look in ANY dictionary for the correct why to pronounce “bru-sket-ta.

  5. 6 Arthur skinner November 6, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    I’m still waiting for a response.

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